The eleventh ACM-GDCPC competition was held in South China Agricultural University on 11th and 12th, May, 2013. There are 435 competitors from 145 teams of 29 Guangdong universities attended this competition, which hit new highs. There are 6 teams from the School of Information Technology, BNUZ took part in the competition this time. In the end BNUZ teams won one second prize and two third prizes.

The competition took place from 9:30 to 14:30 in 12th. Each team got 11 questions and the one that answers most questions within fixed time wins. If different teams answer the same amount of questions correctly, then the one that uses less time wins. A balloon is given when one question is answered correctly each time.

In the closing ceremony, the ranking was showed on the screen for everyone to see the competition result immediately after the result came out.

ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, hosted by American Association of Computing Machinery, aims at showing creativity and team work spirit of college students, as well as their ability in programming, analyzing and solving problems under pressure. Through over 30 years’ development, ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest has become one the most influential competitions in computer.